Are you feeling cut off from your customary sources of inspiration and support? Then you’ll want to join AWC-SB for our September 9 networking meeting! Patricia Schwartz, MA, PCC will lead us through activities that will help us replenish our inner resources by reminding us of our strengths and the stories that have meaning for us. A long-time AWC-SB member, Patricia is an experienced executive coach, facilitator and trainer whose methods ignite positive energy and innovation. With her guidance, you’ll:
- discover how to quickly access your best self and why that matters
- learn the surprisingly easy question that reaps big rewards
- increase your engagement with people who can support you
At this interactive Zoom event, we’ll kick off the fall by helping each other rebuild personal and professional resilience! This is an opportunity you won’t want to miss!!!
Questions? Contact for more information
Wednesday, September 9, 5:30-7PM PT
AWC-SB Members Free; Nonmembers $10
About Patricia Rachel Schwartz MA, PCC, BCC
Patricia Schwartz’s coaching approach is strengths-based and informed by the latest research in positive psychology. She specializes in leader development, which includes emotional intelligence, strategic stakeholder engagement, business development and change leadership. Emotional intelligence supports effective leadership. Stakeholder engagement includes the engagement of employees, teams, funders, investors, boards, public officials and communities, among others and is required for successful business development and change leadership. Find out more about Patricia and her work at