Many people find speaking in front of a group nerve-racking. What if you could command the room with your presence and feel incredible satisfaction at the end of your talk? Learn how to create a memorable experience for your audience when AWC-SB presents “Speak to Engage: Audience-Centered Presenting” with Lisa Braithwaite on Wednesday, February 1, 5:30-7:30 pm at workzones in downtown Santa Barbara.
Wednesday, February 1, 5:30-7:30 pm
Paseo Nuevo
351 Paseo Nuevo 2nd floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
AWC-SB Members Free; Nonmembers $20
Wine and appetizers provided by C’est Cheese included
Before starting her public speaking coaching business in 2005, Lisa Braithwaite, a Santa Barbara native and Cate School graduate, worked in the nonprofit sector in Santa Barbara for sixteen years, developing and implementing programs, curricula, and training materials for local organizations. She has spoken to thousands of people, both youth and adults, on topics ranging from domestic violence and healthy relationships, to gender equity and Title IX, to public speaking and presentation skills.