Nancy Marriott awc-sb member of the year

2012 Member & Nonprofit of the Year

By: Rachel Cansler

AWC-SB hosted their annual holiday party on Wednesday, December 5 at Carr Winery to celebrate the holiday spirit and honor Nancy Marriott as AWC-SB’s Member of the Year and Domestic Violence Solutions as Nonprofit of the Year.

Nancy Marriott, of New Paradigm, Writing and Editing Services for Books, is a freelance book editor, author, and coach. With over 15 years of experience and a warmhearted personality, Nancy Marriot glowed amongst her many esteemed friends and colleagues as AWC-SB’s President, Dr. Lynn K. Jones, named her AWC-SB’s Member of the Year. During her acceptance speech, she shared her newest mantra, “Successful women network.” Nancy praised the AWC-SB organization for it’s networking opportunities. She reminded everyone that although hard work ethics help a person get ahead, it is our relationships and connections that truly help us succeed.

AWC-SB also recognized the staff, administration, volunteers, board, and residents of Domestic Violence Solutions as Nonprofit of the Year. Domestic Violence Solutions is a remarkable organization that works to better our community by supporting and assisting families in their recovery from domestic violence. This nonprofit is the only organization in Santa Barbara County devoted to aiding victims of domestic violence. Loretta Redd, PhD, Domestic Violence Solutions’ Interim Director and member of AWC-SB accepted the award for the nonprofit and shared a heart-wrenching tale about one of the organization’s most recent residents. Her story left the group full of emotion and gratitude for all that Domestic Violence Solutions does for our community.

A photo slideshow of the party can be viewed at Photos provided by r.s.thurston photography.

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