Increase Your Value, Use Your Network, and Negotiate to Get What You’re Worth
Wednesday, October 12, 5:30-7 p.m.
Workzones in Paseo Nuevo
Members: Free
Non-members: $25
Have you plateaued in your career? Are you wondering how to get to the next level?
Whether you work within an organization or as a freelancer, coach, or solopreneur, join us on October 12 when Patricia Schwartz will lead a panel discussion with Amy Ramos and Luz Reyes-Martin on opportunities for upskilling, using your network, and increasing your confidence to get what you’re worth.
We’ll explore relationship building and leveraging influence, differentiating yourself, and negotiating with assurance…for concrete results.
With real-world examples and clear accessible tips, they’ll help you forge ahead in your career.
Patricia Rachel Schwartz is an executive coach, certified team coach, facilitator, and leadership trainer. She works with leaders and teams on stakeholder engagement and strategic visioning, business development, emotional intelligence and change leadership.
With 40 years of experience, Patricia has worked with more than 350 C-suite or VP level leaders from six continents. She has been coaching for 23 years. Patricia works across sectors: business, entertainment, local and federal government, health care, higher education, and nonprofits.
She holds an MA, PCC (Professional Certified Coach), BCC (Board Certified Coach), and NBC-HWC (National Medical Board of Examiners Health and Wellness Coach), and she is currently writing a book on increasing employee, board, and other stakeholder levels of engagement.
Amy Ramos’s professional qualifications include more than 25 years of experience in the Human Resources field, primarily in the public and nonprofit sectors. From 2011 to the present, Amy has served in Human Resources leadership roles in health care and education (both university and K-12 level). As an HR leader, Amy has overseen employee recruiting, compensation, benefits, training, employee relations, performance management, and employee engagement. In addition, Amy has done consulting and project-based human resources work, mostly for public and nonprofit clients.
Luz Reyes-Martín is a communications and public affairs professional and a community advocate. For more than 12 years, she has worked in public agencies, private industry, and higher education. She has experience and expertise in the fields of communications, public affairs, education, land-use planning, community development, and marketing. Luz has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Chicano/Chicana Studies from Stanford University and Master’s Degrees in Land-Use Planning and Public Administration from the University of Southern California (USC). She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration. She has served in executive public affairs and communications leadership for a community college and currently serves as the Vice President of Community Engagement at Planned Parenthood California Central Coast. She is an elected school board member for the Goleta Union School District, is currently the chair of the Sierra Club of Santa Barbara, and serves on the Boards of Girls Inc. of Santa Barbara and CALM (Child Abuse Listening Mediation).