Greetings! We’ve had a busy two months since our last Connections on September 1, details of which you can read in this newsletter and on our website: NEW on our website is the ability to comment on what you read. We want to hear from you and value your feedback!
Here are some exciting events I want to tell you about:
Coming up at our November 2 meeting is Dr. Loretta Redd, who will talk on Speaking with Sex, Soul and Sense, which like Loretta, should be a “scintillating” talk! You can buy tickets at the door, $20 for students and members, $35 for guests.
Members Becky Christenson and Lisa Angle attended the National AWC conference held in Tulsa on Oct. 13-15. They had the honor of hearing our founding mother, Lois Phillips, receive an award and give a talk-details in this newsletter. Congratulations Lois!
We launched our first “Be-tweener” event on October 5 and will host future events every first Wednesday of months in which we don’t have a meeting. The gathering is a no-charge networking opportunity for members and prospective members to mingle for Happy Hour at the Canary Hotel. A purely schmoozing event, it’s a great way to introduce your friends to AWC in between bi-monthly meetings. Mark your calendar for January 4, 2012, first Wednesday of the month and join us at the Canary Hotel from 5:30-7:30 pm.
And don’t forget to also schedule yourself for AWC’s December 7 holiday party and fundraising event at the Canary Hotel, Start a BRAND New Year. We will be acknowledging the 2011 member of the year, Cindy Faith Swain for the work she has done for our chapter and for her Plan a Brand business. We will also sponsor a local non-profit, the Women’s Fund of Northern Santa Barbara County. More details will be available at our November 2 meeting. See you there!
Finally, I want to let you know that Dr. Lynn K. Jones, formerly our president-elect, is now co-president, sharing that office with me as we begin the transfer to take place on January 1, 2012. Once Lynn moves up, a new president-elect will be appointed by our executive committee.
And now, a few words from Lynn …. “I am honored to serve in a new leadership capacity of AWC with Dr. Kathleen Barry. It is my profound belief that as women we have the capacity to influence people’s hearts, minds and actions to bring about powerful and enduring change in our world. Lois Phillips founded our AWC Santa Barbara Chapter in that spirit; I appreciate the opportunity of continuing that important work.”
Kathleen and Lynn, Co-Presidents