A Conversation with the Author
Channeling Pearl Chase
Wednesday, January 10th at 5:30 p.m. at WorkZones
We may think we know Pearl Chase, the foresightful, forceful, well-connected woman who lived in Santa Barbara for 80 years and shaped the city we live in today. But there’s so much more to her story. Writer and civic activist Cheri Rae will talk about her new intimate biography of a woman ahead of her time, A String of Pearls, which she researched through personal letters, professional correspondence, private diaries, and interviews. She’ll share previously untold stories about Chase’s friendships with presidents, politicians, conservationists, activists, and other influential women; Chase’s lesser-known causes; and a star-crossed romance set against the backdrop of World War I. How in the world did Chase achieve so much in what was definitely a man’s world? And what was Rae’s own journey in writing this book? As a special bonus from the author you can read the preface of the book < here >.