An Internship Benefits the Employer and the Student

Austin Cazort, Economics and Accounting Major, UCSB, BA 2011, worked as an intern and then as a staff assistant to Lois Phillips during the past school year. An excerpt of her “thank you” letter to Lois provides one perspective on the value of the internship to the student, whether within a large corporate office or governmental agency or (as in this case) within a small business that is a sole proprietorship.

“Watching how hard you work for your consulting business showed me what it takes to be a successful businesswoman… I appreciate the advice you gave me after the Linkage Women’s Summit Conference: to gain financial or mathematical experience early in my career so that later on, I will feel more confident in a managerial role that involves financial responsibility. ….You have inspired me to strive for a level of success within business that is far higher than I had ever previously envisioned. …It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why, but I definitely stand taller in business and life as a result of my work with you.”

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